Thursday, November 20, 2008

Donnhoff Riesling Auslese 7.5% vol.

On a trip to an upper east side wine shop for a tasting, we came across a bottle of Riesling, from the Nahe region in southwest Germany. We found it in the desert area mixed with others after dinner wines and thought it looked interesting. Riesling, is the principle grape in this country, where winters are long and cold and sun exposure is short. In Nahe, these grapes are grown alongside the river Reno, giving the vines the nutrients they need to survive. The terrain is diverse and rich of quartz which it receives from its branching streams; the Idarbch, Kyrbach, Hahnenbach and Simmerbach.
The classification of German wines can be quite confusing too, since they are rated by the quantity of sugar in the grape. This particular Riesling is an Auslese, which means that the grapes were harvested late in the season, and there is an elevated amount of sugar (but not much compared to Icewein!) The amount of alcohol is 7%, which is low due to the low amount of sun. Getting to the 'gustazione' of the wine itself, the Riesling della Azienda Donnhoff is a clear, vivascious straw color, with perfumes of golden apples, pinapple, grapefruit and a note of fresh flowers, musk and sage. The taste was obviously sweet, but not overpoweringly so. Medium softness, low heat, and higher amounts of acidity and minerality. Intense and persistent, it would be great with German treats like a Danish or struddle or a classic American dish like apple pie.
Vote 85/100

Spaziando tra gli scaffali di un wine shop sulla Upper East Side di Manhattam mia moglie ed io siamo stati attratti dalla bottiglia di un Riesling tedesco della regione Nahe a sud ovest in Germania. Essendo abbastanza assolata, trova nel suo fiume principale Nahe affluente sinistro del fiume Reno la sua mitezza e nutrimento principe. I terreni son abbastanza diversi dall'ardesia alla quarzite per passare poi alla sabbia e ai detriti del fiume e dei suoi numerosi affluenti: Idarbch, Kyrbach, Hahnenbach, Simmerbach etc. Passando al vino l'Auslese nell'etichetta, nella classificazione tedesca, indica che i grappoli sono stati raccolti tardivamente, quindi uve con elevato grado zuccherino e un grado alcolico minimo di 7%. Il Riesling della Azienda Donnhoff era di un giallo paglierino vivace e carico, sebbene fosse una vendemmia 2004; i profumi ricordavano la mela golden, l'ananas, il pompelmo, una nota floreale, dell'erba fresca e del muschio bianco. In bocca era dolce ma non stucchevole, abbastanza morbido, poco caldo, ottima la sua frescezza un po' meno la sua sapidità. Sicuramnete l'ingresso in bocca era intenso e la sua persistenza era notevole. Da abbinare ad una crostata di mele.
Voto 85/100


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Dana and Paolo said...

Thank you Anthony for reading and commenting on our blog. Glad your parents passed onto you their love of food and wine. Hope you keep reading and keep in touch-
Dana and Paolo

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