Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Paradou restaurant in NY

In times like these, stores and restaurants a like are doing anything possible to get or keep clients. Sales, deals, shows, discounts- you name it. So when we choose a little place called Paradou in the meatpacking district of New York City, we were shocked when we saw how hard it was to actually get the discount they promised.
We had originally decided to go there mainly because we had passed by, thought it different and we liked the slogan- 'We're not fancy, but our food is' or something like that, and they were right. At the end of the meal, I went to the bathroom seeing for the first time their list of 'deals' and 'specialty' nights. 'Dec 8th, free bottle of wine.' With that, it was written to make a reservation or tell you waiter and use this code. What are we in some brothel in the 1920's I thought? Needing a password? But still I thought that getting our half liter of wine free would be great (especially since it was so expensive and really not that good) but when I asked the waiter he said it was by reservation only. Well that wasn't what it said on the list- so I asked the manager and she said oh no you must be on the mailing list. Thats funny, never heard of the mailing list before and it definatly wasn't written on the sheet of discounts and deals. So really did they want to give anyone a free bottle of wine? I doubt it. They claim they want to help out the people until the DOW reaches 12000? Just a ploy to make you think that there are some decent people out there trying to help out the unemployed citizens of NY. One would think that if you want people to come back or share their happy thoughts about a restaurant with others they would have discounted the bottle either way, but they didnt. So here's our nasty thoughts on the place. Bland overpriced food, in a quasi dive looking atmosphere, without hardly any heat and they probably use cheap, crappy wine for their 'quarter' and 'half' bottles since they never showed or poured you the wine from the original bottle (something unheard of in Europe). But most of all, the fact that a place offers you one thing and doesnt give it to you is absoluty distasteful.

Di questi tempi di crisi negozi e ristoranti fanno il possibile per attirare e mantere i clienti con sconti, slogan 2 al prezzo di uno. Uno di questi il ristorante Paradou nel Meatpacking District di New York City ci ha shoccato veramnete.
Abbiamo deciso di cenare li in quanto essendo di passaggio siamo stati catturati dallo slogan' Non siamo fancy ma i nostri piatti lo sono' suonava più o meno così.
Alla fine della cena andando in bagno abbiamo notato per la prima volta la lista delle offerte del mese di dicembre e gennaio. Dicembre, Lunedi 8 gratis una bottiglia di vino. Indicava che bisognava prenotare o dire al cameriere una password!! Pazzesco siamo tornati al tempo del Proibizionismo. Comunque visto che avevamo ordinato mezza bottiglia di vino rosso di qualità scadente ad un prezzo di 28$ averla gratis sarebbe stato almeno un sollievo per le nostre tasche.
Bene il manager ci diceva che per avere lo sconto bisognava essere nella mail list. Strano non era scritto nella promo del loro sito. Davvero vogliono dare un bottiglia di vino gratis a tutti?? Non lo credo proprio!!! Beh il look non era tra i migliori: quattro muri bianchi, senza un adeguato riscaldamnto cibo quasi insipido e senza gusto e il vino ragazzi indicato nel menu come Chateau of ... venduto sia in bottiglia da mezzo litro che da litro, ordinando quella da mezzo ci è arrivata una caraffa di vino sfuso a 28$$$!!! Orrore !!! Ragazzi assolutamente da evitare questo locale.


Felipegonzales said...

Che voglia di essere a NYC, ma anche di S.Francisco o di Boston, isomma degli States. Prima o poi ci torniamo...
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