Basilicata, the region which is the toe of the boot of Italy, is an unsung area, that offers much more than many know about. It has a large coast line with blue water and long beaches as well as high hills and vast plains with various crops. Grapes grow everywhere, but the best grow in the area of Vulture, an ex volcano located in the center of the territory. The soil is rich and full of potassium, and the summer sun warms the earth and creates loads of sugar in the grapes, later to be turned into alcohol. The fiano, a white grape probably more famous in Campagna, grows here alongside the aglianico, a dark red grape, which in recent years has grown in popularity and quality. The Azienda Carbone, is a family owned vineyard which produces both these wines in the 10 hectares they own. Fiano's smell is light and fruity, long lasting and slightly sweet. Canteloupe, fig and baked apple, mix with cinnamon and spice. It really reminds me of an apple pie. The taste is slightly oxidized, a wine which may be better for after dinner, instead of during the meal. The minerals and salts remain on the tongue and mix with the metals which are the most prominent. I remember tasting it in the past at an event and remember something different. I think this particular bottle has oxidized, or in other words, some air has entered the bottle causing the wine to taste a bit like sherry. Unfortunately, these are things that can happen with all food, so I will rewrite about this wine the next time I open a bottle to see if the taste has changed.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Carbone, Fiano di Basilicata
Podere Villa Alessi- Rosso 2008
In the heart of Colli Eugani, we find Podere Villa Alessi, not just a vineyard but an agriturismo, or a farm with 15 hectars divided into vineyards, orchards and olive trees. These 'colli' or hills, lie due south of Padova and were once part of an active volcanic chain. The lava rock, now turned into soil, is full of nutrients and is rich in minerals. When the Romans started planting vines here years ago, they created wine that was known for it's great quality and taste. In recent times the tradition of making wine continues, with simple easily drinkable wines full of fruity taste. The Rosso 2008, is a ruby red mixture of over 30 types of grapes, many almost forgotten. The smell is meaty and tannic with an array of perfumes from violet flowers to cherry fruits and peppers. The slight time in the barrel also gives off hints of chocolate, leather and cloves. Many of these smells, like the fruit, spices and tannins, carry through to the taste, which is an important quality of the wine. It is also salty and mineral, an obvious characteristic due to the volcanic earth. There is a high quantity of alcohol, 14,5% which is a bit high for my taste and it is prominent in the smell and in the taste. It's interesting to see how so many grape types can be mixed together to create a wine that seems naturally put together. I think it's a good red for the summer, light and refreshing and full of fruits. The only way to taste this wine is to visit the agriturismo and enjoy a small vacation in the area. An hour drive from Venice, the farm has rooms to rent, a restaurant and a wine bar, for a quiet stay in the countryside during your time in Italy.
Podere Villa Alessi agriturismo vini e fattoria!
Il Podere ha una estensione di 15 ettari suddivisi in alberi da frutta, olivi e vigneto. Poggia su antichi terreni vulcanici.
Come ben sappiamo la lava vulcanica è ricca di minerali quali potassio magnesio, silicio e quarzo ottimi nutrienti per la vite.
La vite assorbe attraverso le sue radici i minerali impastati con l’acqua delle pioggie drenate dal terreno poi la linfa li porta al grappolo. L’agronomo dovrà fare la sua parte per governare i i tempi che la natura gli impone. Quando riesco a bere vini provenienti da zone vulcaniche il mio stato d’animo s’eleva forse perché sono figlio del magma terrestre e sento madre terra sconvolgermi tutto. I sapori e gli aromi hanno vita propria e se si ha poi la possibilità di sublimare il vino con la vista di queste colline ,Colli Euganei, allora abbiamo il top. Ora passiamo al vino Il Rosso 2008 fatto da un blend di 30 vitigni, entusiasmante! Il profumo nel bicchiere ricorda la frutta matura, la carne, il cuoio, il cioccolato e i chiodi di garofano. Il colore è un rosso rubino fitto e intenso. In bocca un buon frutto si espande sulla lingua, buona la trama dei tannini, ottima la speziatura. Ad un’ora da Venezia il podere Villa Alessi non può mancare tra i vostri prossimi itinerari.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Soave DOC by Sandro di Bruno
The hills of Soave have created wine for centuries but it's not until recently that the vintners from the area decided to create quality wine instead of quantity. We've known Sandro, owner of Sandro di Bruno winery for awhile now and can easily recognize his wines from others because of its strength and character. The vineyard is still young, they only started in 2002, but the volcanic land where their grapes grow produces elegant yet intense wines. The Soave DOC that we drank a few nights ago, is a perfect representation of what a wine from Soave should be. The deep, golden yellow wine, opened with a fierce, smoky, lava rock smell. Behind it, was essence of apricot, red apple, pear, light honey and wild sage. The fullness of the apple proceeds onto the taste which is round and masculine. The hard parts of the wine, the salt and acidity, pair perfectly with soft parts, sugars and alcohol, creating a nice balance. The strength of the earth powers through into the wine and gives it a woody or aged in barrel taste, even if this wine was only put into steel. Unfortunately this wine doesn't sell in the US, but can be ordered and shipped anywhere along with a variety of their other wines.
Le colline del Soave cullano i grappoli vino da tempo immemore ma è recentemente che la strada della qualità ha soppiantato quella della quantità. Conosciamo Sandro, proprietario della Sandro de Bruno Winery a Montecchia di Crosara provincia di Verona, da un bel po' e possiamo facilmente riconoscere i suoi vini da quelli degli altri dalla forza e dal carattere che hanno nel loro DNA.
Il campo vitato è recente, infatti l'anno di nascita della Winery è il 2002 ma il terroir vulcanico di cui è composto il suolo si fa sentire e riconoscere nei suoi vini per eleganza ed intensità.
Alcune sere fa abbiamo stappato il Soave DOC Sandro de Bruno, una rappresentazione ideale del Soave. Color giallo intenso con riflessi dorati, apre con un furioso e affumicato profumo di roccia lavica poi dietro lentamente si esprime la frutta di albicocca, mela rossa e pera con una lieve spruzzata di miele e salvia. La pienezza del frutto la si trova in bocca con un bel nerbo. Le durezze del vino: la sapidità e l'acidità si equilibrano armoniosamente con le sue morbidezze: l'alcool e gli zuccheri. La forza e la potenza del suolo fa sembrar questo vino affinato in botte invece ha visto soltanto recipienti in acciaio e il vetro della sua bottiglia.
Da abbinare a pesce crudo magari con qualche salsa struttutata o a dei primi piatti di pesce.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Marco Fon- Slovenian wine Teran
If you head east from Italy into Slovenia, there is a wild territory waiting to be explored. There are a few people who live in this area and most of them are farmers. Some make wine, mostly just enough for themselves and friends, and only one, bottles the wine. Marco Fon, is the entrepreneur of the area and he is the only one to sell his wine outside of Slovenia. His wine is hearty and thick, and it relates to the earth from which it is born. Terlan, a grape typical to the area, is the only red he has and it is completely organic, like his other wines. It's a dark, thick, purply juice with aromas that pop out of the bottle as soon as it is opened. Earthy smells, like a forest after the rain, are strange at first, but also inviting. Cacao, black pepper, cloves, juniper berry, and sugared blackberry and strawberry are some of the other scents. The taste is strong and powerful, and with 13% alcohol you can feel it. In fact, I think the 2009 is still way too young to be drank. The alcohol burns a bit in the mouth, and I think it needs time to blend with the juice. For Slovenian wine this is normal. These are wines that can last ages before opening, so if you do buy a bottle, wait a few years before drinking it. The other thing about this wine is that it has a high amount of acidity and salt, which not only keeps the wine from going 'bad' but also enhances the taste. If you do drink it in its youth, pair it with a dish that uses spicy tomato sauce.
Se volete assaggiare qualcosa di atipico dovete andare in Slovenia. La Slovenia mi ha sempre attirato forse il suo stesso nome ma sopratutto le persone che ha conosciuto da quel paese. Il vino e' sinonimo di tradizione e qui molti contadini lo producono nei loro casoni e se lo bevono! Quindi è veramente da poco che si riesce a degustare il liquido di Bacco sloveno. Marco Fon, sloveno è un produttore, forse l'unico che riesca a vendere all'estero intendo tutta Europa e forse USA. Un appuntamento in una giornata di maggio tra due piccoli paesi, poche indicazioni stradali, molti passanti fermati. Finalmente a casa Fon incontriamo io personaggio schietto e giovane con la moglie al suo fianco. Dei suoi amici provenienti da Trieste sono presenti e quindi la degustazione si fa piu' accesa. Vini di Marco sanno molto della terra da dove provengono. Il Terrano, vitigno tipico della zona è l'unico rosso che produce completamente biologico. Si presenta con un mantello porporato a trama fitta e impenetrabile. Essenza di terra, terroso fino alle sue viscere. Come una foresta dopo la pioggia, distaccato al primo approccio ma invitante subito dopo. Cacao, more, chiodi di garofano, bacche di ginepro e altri aromi splendidi escono dal mantello . Il gusto è forte e potente. Credo che il 2009 sia ancora giovane da bere, l'alcool brucia un po' al palato e ha bisogno di ancor tempo per intrecciarsi al succo. Una grande acidità e salinità colpisce fuor di modo, amo questo carattere nei vini! Per un abbinamento,utilizzi un piatto con un sugho al pomodoro speziati.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Retsina wine at the Taberna O Gialos
Greece makes a variety of wine, each slightly diverse from island to island. Retsina, a white grape and wine, is found almost everywhere and is super cheap to buy. In the restaurant we went to for our last night in Stegna Beach in Rhodes, called Taberna O Gialos, we drank a bottle for the price of 4,50 euro. Our first reaction to the smell of Retsina was that it was slightly oxidized. In most countries this means that the wine got too hot, or too much air got into the bottle and destroyed the wine. In Greece, however, most wines have this slightly oxidized smell and taste, probably due to the excessive heat and is enjoyed like that. Overall, the smells were not too strong, a bit of lemon and wild herbs made it seem almost like dish soap. The lemon fruits carried through to the taste and combined with sage, thyme, bay leaf and mirto. It is a light wine, with only 11% alcohol, salty and slightly bitter.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Venturi presents 'Qudi' a Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi
One of the participants at an event of ours, Vini Venturi, produces a variety of wines typical to the area in Marche where he lives. The Marche is home to a variety of verdicchio grapes, and the most famous of them all is the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi. This particular wine can be classified as a classico (comes from the antique growing area) and superior (has a higher gradation of alcohol than the norm) as in this one by Venturi. Named Qudi, in order not to be confused with the normal verdicchio, is a dull straw yellow with 13% alcohol. A strong intense nose, it is filled with aromas typical to that of verdicchio. Honey, baked apple, lemon and pineapple mix with the chalky minerality of the wine. Sage and cedar sneak in too, and due probably to the alcohol, a sense of oxidation lingers also in the glass. Upon the first sip, an exotic fruit smell escaped instead of the apple we had smelled before. Grape leaf tastes also entered the variety of flavors in this historic wine. It was warm, round and full bodied, and tingled slightly in my mouth, probably because of the high concentration of acidity. Slightly bitter and salty towards the back of the tongue, we think it would pair nicely with a white fish baked in the oven with potatoes, rosemary and other herbs.
Uno dei produttori che ha partecipato ai nostri eventi Vini Venturi, produce una varietà di uva tipica delle zona da cui proviene, le Marche. Stiamo parlando del Verdicchio e più precisamente del Verdicchio di Jesi. Questo vino può classificarsi come classico (viene da una zona vitivinicola dalle origini antiche) e superiore (ha una gradazione in alcool superiore al prodotto base). Il nome è Qudi per non confondersi dal Verdicchio base, ha un colore giallo paglierino intenso con una gradazione alcolica di 13%. La fragranza al naso è tipica del Verdicchio: miele, mela cotta, limone e ananas mescolata con un sapore gessoso proveniente dal suo territorio. Salvia e cedro si insinuano e si propone anche un odore di ossidato.
Al primo assaggio il frutto esotico si spegne per lasciar spazio alla mela.
Il sapore di foglie d'uva si sprigiona in questo storico vitigno. Caldo, rotondo e di corpo con un leggero pizzicore sulla lingua dovuto all'alta acidità. Leggermente amaro e salato come retrogusto. Lo vedrei bene con un bel pesce di carne bianca al forno con patate,rosmarino e timo.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Yamada Pecorino, by Cantina Ciccio Zaccagnini, 2009
Let me start off by saying that I love this wine. I know, I've said before that I really enjoy pecorino as a wine, but this one by Cantina Ciccio Zaccagnini goes above and beyond. The vineyard, located near the city of Pescara in Abruzzo, has over 80 hectars and produces everything from reds to whites to passito and champagne styled wines. One of most important details about this vineyard is that all grapes are hand picked, and with that much land, it's a lot of work. They've won many awards for theirs wines and the Pecorino 'Yamada', which means 'mountain field' in Japanese, is worth every praise. It is a deep yellow color with thick, slow moving legs and the first aroma upon opening the bottle was a bit of oxidation, in a good sense, similar to a sherry. It hasn't been aged in oak, but carries many characteristics of a wine that has been aged, like vanilla and honey. It also has exotic fruit smells like pineapple or melon, but also sweeter, sugared fruit perfumes like baked apple or plum, or even canned peaches in syrup. The taste is powerful and alcoholic, with a lemon like bitterness. It's salty and crisp and also round and full. Hints of vegetable and herbs, perhaps the vine of a tomato. Pairs nicely with blue fish, like sardines, the saltiness of the wine adding to the strong flavor of the fish.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Le Carline, Lison Classico 2010
Sunday, July 3, 2011
'Symphonia' by Geretto-Merk 2010
The newest year of the 'Symphonia' (symphony) has yet to be bottled and labeled, but we were fortunate enough to taste the wine made from pinot bianco before anyone else. In the past few years, pinot bianco has become forgotten, especially in the area of Veneto and Friuli, where pinot grigio reigns as king. For us, we prefer the intense, fruity white wine which tends to be smoother and more round.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tenuta Sella, Lessona Omaggio a Quintino Sella 2003
We've had this 2003 Tenuta Sella in our collection for a couple of years after I bought the bottle for Paolo's birthday a few years back. Finally, on a hot summer day we decided to open it and pair it with some steak tartar- yes, we make our own. Mille Vini, the wine store in Venice where I bought the highly recommended Tenuta Sella, praised the Omaggio a Quintino Sella (homage to Quintino Sella) as one of his favorite Nebbiolo based wines. A deep ruby red color with a trim bordering on orange, the wine was a burst of aromas as we popped the cork. Deep cherry, licquorish, ginger, black pepper, chocolate, tomato, peppers and loads of floral smells so rich, it was like running through a rose garden. At eight years old, the Omaggio should be at its' height, but to be honest we thought that it was lacking something. The taste was overall good, although we wished the body could have been as powerful as the nose. The alcohol was also a bit strong , but the tannins and minerality were pretty balanced. A bit watery by itself but must say it paired perfectly with the tartar.
Questa bottiglia di vino è stata nella nostra collezione per un paio di anni, Dana l'ha comprata per il mio compleanno:Tenuta Sella 2003. Finalmente in un giorno d'estate abbiamo deciso di aprirla e di accompagnarla ad una tartare di carne, si ce la facciamo noi con ingredienti genuini a kilometri zero. Mille Vini una bottiglieria a Venezia dove a Dana è stata raccomandata questa bottiglia Lessona Omaggio Quintino Sella dal proprietario del negozio come il suo preferito Nebbiolo, anche se in questo caso ha una componente anche di Vespolina. Il colore è di un rubino fitto con dei riflessi granati, un'esplosione di profumi appena stappato. Ciliegia matura, liquirizia, ginger, pepe nero, cioccolato, pomodoro maturo, peperone e centiania di fiori, era come correre in un giardino di rose. Dopo otto anni, il vino dovrebbe essere al suo apice, ma per esser onesto crediamo che questo vino manchi di qualcosa. Sebbene il gusto sia buono, il corpo era un po' debole ripsetto all'intensità dei profumi. L'alcol era forte e presente ma grazie alla sua mineralità e freschezza espressa nel volume di acidità il vino si poteva considerarsi bilanciato. Un po' acquoso ma comunque si abbinava perfettamente con la Tartare di manzo.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
JNK's Rebula- Straight from Slovenia
Just east of Gorizia, a large border city, located between Italy and Slovenia, JNK harvests local variety grapes on only 3.5 hectars of land. An 'all-natural' wine producer, like most in Slovenia, they don't use any chemicals or pesticides and allow the wine to ferment naturally from the yeast found on the skins of the grapes. They produce mainly white wines, Rebula (ribolla gialla), Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, Jakot (Tocai), Malvasia and Miheal, a blend. Their reds consist of merlot and cabernet sauvignon. The wine I'd like to talk about in particular today is the Rebula. Almost a tangerine color and thick since it is not filtered, the aspect of the wine is not especially inviting. However, the strong and refreshing nose is different and interesting. It is full of flavors like eucalyptus, mint, pear, saffron, terra cotta and rock. Served room temperature, the wine is meant to be treated as part of the meal, another food group and not just something to drink. The taste is fresh, intense and persistent. Hints of bronze, brick and earth remain in the mouth helping us to understand better perhaps the land from which this wine is made. Pairs nicely with white meats like rabbit and veal.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Barolo 'Vigneto Gattera' from Mauro Veglio 2003
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Vitovska 2004 by Kante
One of the indigenous grapes from Friuli Venezia Giulia, called Vitovska, is a strong, thick skinned grape, which produces a white wine, perfect for aging and if desired, in oak. Most unoaked white wines last maybe 5 years. They are best drank young and fresh. The vitovska is different. Opening a 2006, a 5 year old wine, is considered young for most drinkers of this wine. Perhaps the most well known of the producers, Kante, creates one of the best. Their wines are not filtered, leaving their wine to be murky and with small bits of sediment. Despite the heavy look to the dark yellow liquid, the wine remains fresh over time and most importantly has an abundance of flavors and aromas. The bottle we drank, a 2004, had a bouquet stuffed with wild perfumes of sage, musk, wet straw and honey. Full bodied and elegant the taste remained in our mouths only to be cut with a soft, unaged cheese like robiola or crescenza. The minerality to this wine was incredible and balanced gracefully with the soft alcohol. It lacked slightly in acidity, so for our tastes it had reached its limit in life. The elegance of this wine reminded us slightly of a Pouilly fuissè, or other chardonnays which are unoaked and not too thick or heavy.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Albani wines
I first came across Albani and their riesling last year while working at Vinitaly in the Valle del Riesling. Many people passed by to taste their wine, but to be honest, I didn't find anything special about it and much prefered the other rieslings I had. The second time Albani crossed my path, was when my husband brought home a case of their wines after another wine fair. I have to admit I wasn't in such a hurry to pop them open and try them. However, what happened after deciding to share a bottle of their Bonarda with friends was shock. The wine was absolutly amazing. The bonarda wine, which is made mainly from the croatina grape, is similar in some way to the lambrusco, in that they are both sparkling red, fruity wines. I figured the bonarda would be fruity and light, but I wasn't expecting a wine with such depth and character. Let me point out that Albani is an organic company. They don't use any chemicals or pesticides, and they follow sustainable growing methods, allowing the vines to grow together with the land and the other plants of the area. The care used in producing their wines showed. The bonarda was a deep red, with a light foam that floated on top of the wine after it was poured. It was also refreshing with smells and tastes of dark purple fruits and wood. The sweetness of the fruit that paired with the acidity of youth from the grape worked perfectly together. We were so pleased, that we opened another bottle of theirs, the Vigne della Casona. Made mainly from barbera (65%) and croatina (35%) grapes of the vineyards oldest vines, it is left to age in oak for a year following a long fermentation period. It too was quite extraordinary, with intense aromas and long lasting flavors. Just proves, that just because one seed isn't your favorite, not all seeds are bad, in fact often they are fabulous.
La prima volta che mi sono imbattuta in un Albani era il loro Riesling è stato l'altr'anno lavorando al Vinitaly nella 'Valle dei Riesling'. Molto persone sono passate a degustare i loro vini, ma ad esser onesti, non ho trovato niente di speciale e preferivo di molto gli altri Riesling .
La seconda volta che Albani si è presentato nel mio cammino è successo quamdo mio marito ha portatoa casa una cassa di questo vino dopo un'evento enogastronomico. Devo ammettere che non ero così di fretta nell'aprirle e riprovarle.In ogni modo dopo aver deciso di assaggiare la loro Bonarda assieme ad amici sono stata shockata. Il vino era assolutamente buono. La Bonarda è un vino composto prevalentamente dalla Croatina, molto simile al Lambrusco per intenderci, in quanto entrambi sono dei rossi, fruttati e frizzanti. Me l'aspettavo fruttata e leggera invece era di corpo con un bel carattere.
Albani ha una produzione biologica non usano concimi chimici ne fertilizzanti, seguono una crescita dell'uva sostenibile coltivandola assieme ad altre piante nella stessa area di produzione.
La cura nella produzione è ben presente nella bottiglia.
Il vino era di un rosso intenso con una spuma leggera in superficie quando lo si versa. Dal profumo fresco con note di legno e frutta rossa. La dolcezza del frutto s'intreccia bene con la sua acidità. Siamo stati così piacevolmente sorpresi che abbiamo aperto anche la loro 'Vigne di Casona' di uve principalmente Barbera(65%) e Croatina(35%), vigne vecchie che danno un frutto che si affina per un anno in botte.
Provetelo e come dico io se un seme non è il tuo favorito non è detto che gli altri siano cattivi anzi spesso son meravigliosi.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Occhipinti, Frappato 2008
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Viglione Barolo 2003
Podere Salicutti Brunello 2000
Mr. Francesco Rosario Leanza is a man we met almost 10 years ago, the first time we went to Montalcino. We happened upon his home and vineyard by accident and stayed in his one room B&B at Podere Salicutti for the night. A retired chemist, Mr. Leanza obviously has a knack for finding the right combination of sugar, tannins and acidity for his wine, and we are glad to have met him before he became famous. We knew back then, before we had even thought of taking a wine course, that what he had was good, really good. We had bought a few bottles of wine, opened one on the day we married and finally another on Paolo's birthday. 2000 was an average year for Brunello, definitely not to be compared with the 1999 vintage, but still the wine held its own. The thick legs remained long after we swirled the glass of ruby red wine. The perfumes were not to powerful, but elegant and delicate. Ripe red fruit aromas like rasberry and cherry, mixed with black pepper spices, balsamic, aloe and bayleaf. The alcohol content was definitely a bit high for the wine itself and carried through on the tongue along with the fruits. Dry, and still incredibly young for a 2000, it needed time to open and was actually better a day later. Delicate and fresh, I think it would probably be better on its own instead of being paired with food.
Il Sig. Francesco Rosario Leanza è un uomo che abbiamo incontrato più di 10 anni fa, la prima volta che abbiamo visitato Montalcino. Siamo andati per caso a casa sua e abbiamo passato un paio di notti nel suo B&B al Podere Salicutti. Un chimico in pensione, il Sig Leanza gli viene naturale trovare la giusta combinazione di zuccheri, tannini e acidità per il suo vino e siamo molto felice di averlo potuto conoscere prima che diventasse famoso.
L'abbiamo conosciuto prima di aver preso la decisione di prendere parte ai corsi di sommelier, comunque il suo gran vino non ha bisogno di grandi studi per esser capito e piaciuto. Alcune bottiglie siamo riuscite a portarle a casa euna è stata aperta il giorno che ci siamo sposati e una poche serate fa per il mio compleanno. Il millesimo 2000 e una annata media per il Brunello,ricordo che da disciplinare il vino è di solo uve Sangiovese grosso, tipiche dalla regione Toscana e sensazionali nel Montalcino.Le colline che spuntano in questa grandioso panorama creano dei microclimi che a loro volta durante il passagio delle varie ere geologiche creano degli strati nel terreno molto particolari alcuni fantastici per far cescere l'uva.
Aperto il Brunello 2000 profumi eleganti più che intensi e dirompenti.Frutti rossi natralmente maturi di ciliege e more forse sotto spirito,la percentuale di alcool è molto presente nel vino e in bocca questo fattore si presenta nella pungenza in gola . Pepe nero, aloe, alloro e balsamico. In bocca il frutto rosso è presente con una buona acidità e un delicato tannino.
Il colore versava dal rubino al granato. Questo vino può dar soddisfazioni anche aperto in futuro.
la cucina tradizionale Toscana con i suoi piatti ben si abbina a questo piacevole Brunello.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Raboso 2004, by La Salute
The raboso, is one of the great reds, drank by the doges' of Venice. It doesn't seem to have made it out to the mainstream, but in the Veneto is reins supreme. Typically, it is drank young and often from the tap, but Cantina La Salute vineyards age their raboso and the result is amazing! For Christmas we shared with our friends a magnum of their 2004 vintage. It was a dense purply red, which spilled out and array of intense odors. Dark red and purple fruits, balsamic, licquorish, black pepper and some what christmas smelling with the pine and spices. It has a super fruity taste and smell, making it also slightly sweet, for two reasons. First, because the grape is slightly aromatic and fruity in itself, and second, because La Salute leaves the grapes on the vines until the first frost, leaving the grapes to dry out a bit consentrating the sugar. The wine was warm and velvety with a good freshness. Slightly salty, tannic and spicy with rich strawberry and pepper tastes. Just so you know, the 2004 was a better year then the 2005. This is typical for almost all of Italy, so if you want a really good wine the 2004 is one of Italys best. If interested La Salute offers a large variety of wines at an extremely reasonable price. Let me know if you are interested to stop by and stock up!
Edo's by Villa Canestrari
Seems like everyone is trying to make sparkling wine out of some different kind of grape these days. A few of these Champagne styled wines are incredible, others, not so much. Our friends from Villa Canestrari are one of the vineyards who have pulled it off. 'Edo's', named after the latest member of the family, is a beautiful antique rose colored wine made from the corvina grape- the main grape used to produce amarone! The numerous bubbles are so tiny they are barely visable, but they tickle your tongue to let you know they are there. The nose is soft and delicate, with small hints of the woody tannins which come from the skin of the grape. (This is how the wine becomes red!) Touches of flower and peach aromas blend with white chocolate and for some reason I am reminded of a jam filled croissant. The taste is slightly sweet, like a peach, but extremely fresh and slightly tannic. A slight acidic aftertaste lingers on my tongue, something typical to most champagne styled wines. Along with the bubbles, it dries my mouth preparing me for the next sip, or perhaps something to eat... a good brie maybe?
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Mezzosecolo by Geretto-Merk
'The Confidence' is not the only refosco. E' un vino di un rosso rubino intenso nel suo cuore per poi sfumare nel granato verso l'unghia del bicchiere. Ha un intenso profumo di piccoli frutti rossi, prugna, pepe nero, tabacco, cuoio, peperone verde. Il gusto è rustico e un po' legnoso ma nelle giuste proporzioni con una leggera nota di dolcezza. Tannico con una bella freschezza, pensare che il millesimo è il 2001 può tranquillamente durare per altri 5/10 anni. Abbiamo aperto una Magnum e finita veramente in pochissimo tempo fra amici. Questo significa che la bevibilità era ottima non come certi vini carichi e spinti oltre ogni gusto che rimangono li sul tavolo tra la titubanza dei commensali. Abbinato a carni come la selvaggina e a formaggi stagionati. Un prodotto di ottima qualità che son felice di raccontarvi. Il sito del produttore spiega le varie sfaccettature della loro produzione, andate e visitarli merita veramente un passaggio.